README kirjutamine¶
README fail peaks sisaldama järgmisi osi:¶
- Mängu kirjeldus
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- Mängimise juhend
Samm-sammuline juhend, kuidas mängida.
Vajadusel kirjeldus, kuidas mängu siseneda (nt lobby süsteemist).
Kui mängus sees ei ole juhendit, siis tuleks lisada nuppude funktsioonide kirjeldus.
- Mängu käivitamine lokaalselt
Selgitus, kuidas mängu server ja klient tööle panna.
Kui projekt on jagatud kaheks repositoryks (server ja klient), tuleks juhendid lisada vastavatesse reposse.
Juhend peaks olema samm-sammuline.
Kontrollige, et juhendi järgi saab projekti käivitada ka teine inimene.
- Kasutatud tehnoloogiate loetelu
Loetelu kasutatud tehnoloogiatest ja raamistikest.
Lisage ka versioonid, kui need on olulised.
Näiteks: Java 21, LibGDX 1.13.1, KryoNet 2.22
- Mängu feature'id
Loetelu peamistest feature'st
Feature’eid kirjeldades võib kasutada näiteks seda tabelit.
Autorite nimed
Info sellest, kuidas klient TalTechi serveriga ühendust saab
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# ITI0301-2024
## Name of the Game
### Game description:
2D Battleroyale game set on an island with 20 players.
Players randomly spawn in and need to find weapons to defeat enemies. The island also has AI
bots trying to kill players. Players can also find health potions randomly throughout the
Objective in the game is to find weapons and fight enemies to be the last one standing.
Weapons spawn inside buildings. AI will attack upon seeing a player.
### Keybinds:
W, A, S, D - moving
E - pick up potions and weapons
H - use health potion
Q - drop weapon
Left mouse button - shooting
1, 2 - switch weapons
### How to Play:
1. Start the game and join the lobby.
2. When the game starts, explore the island for weapons and potions.
3. Engage in combat with AI enemies and other players.
4. The last surviving player wins the match.
### Installation and Starting the Game:
#### Server:
- Clone this repository [link to repo]()
- Make sure the server directory is a module
- Go to iti0301-2024-server -> server -> src -> ee.taltech ->
- Run this file
#### Client:
- Clone this repository [link to repo]()
- Run client -> desktop -> src -> ->
### Technologies Used:
- Java 21 - Programming language
- LibGDX 1.13.1 - Game development framework
- KryoNet 2.22 - Network communication
- Gradle (x.xx) - Build automation tool
### Features:
| Feature | Description |
| Multiplayer support | Up to 20 players per game |
| AI enemies | Bots attack players on sight |
| Weapon loot system | Weapons spawn inside buildings |
| Health potions | Players can restore health |
| Interactive environment | Movable objects and obstacles |
| Lobby system | Players can join before the match starts |
| Map with collision detection | 500x500 map with working collisions |
| Parallel game instances | Multiple games can run simultaneously |
| In-game menu | Pause and settings options |
### Authors:
- John Doe
- Jane Doe
### Connecting the Client to TalTech Server:
- Steps to connect the client to the TalTech server to be able to play with others.